Trinity Health Grand Rapids Complex Needs Transitional Supportive Housing Program
Trinity Health Grand Rapids, in coordination withmany other community organizations, support theComplex Needs Transitional Supportive Housing program led by Dégagé Ministries, which assists women who experience chronic homelessness compounded with complex physical and mental health needs. About 5% of those who experience homelessness have highly complex needs, including physical health, behavioral health and social needs. In many cases, being unsheltered or residing in emergency shelters results in exacerbation of mental and physical illness and results in frequent use of emergency rooms, emergency medical services, psychiatric hospitalization and law enforcement involvement. In an effort to support those under such circumstances, Dégagé Ministries collaborates with Trinity Health Grand Rapids and other community partners to provide private or semi-private rooms for clients to live independently while they connect to resources supporting their physical and mental health needs.