10 ways to help Michigan hospital workers during coronavirus pandemic
This story originally appeared in Bridge Magazine. Story photo courtesy of Shutterstock. See full story here.
While the world might feel like a pretty scary place right now, helping others can be a great way to focus your energy, spread some positivity and regain a sense of control.
As most Michiganders shelter in place, Michigan’s health care professionals continue to battle one of the largest COVID-19 outbreaks in the country, needing more support than ever from the communities they serve.
Instead of feeling stuck, here are some things you can do to help the doctors, nurses and other medical workers risking their own health to save others:
Stay at home
Give the gift of staying out of hospital emergency rooms. Seriously. Medical professionals are begging people to stay home to slow the spread of coronavirus.
In a now viral video posted to her Instagram, Michigan emergency room nurse Mary Macdonald pleaded with people as hospitals struggle with weary staff and a severe shortage of masks and other supplies.
“It’s truly scary and nobody is taking it seriously,” Macdonald said. “I want to jump through my phone and strangle people that are on the beach or out with their friends still. That’s the problem.”
If you do leave your home for whatever reason, adhere to social distancing measures and wash your hands with soap and water, regularly, for 20 seconds.
Donate blood
With hundreds of blood drives canceled, hospitals are in need of blood. If you feel healthy and meet necessary requirements, donating blood is an easy way to ensure that hospitals and health care workers can focus on patient care, instead of blood supplies. Search for a donation center near you online through the American Red Cross or Versiti Blood Center of Michigan.
Click here to read Bridge’s guide on how to donate blood during the coronavirus crisis. Giving blood also gets you out of the house; and it’s doctor approved.
Make masks
If you haven’t already taken your sewing machine out of storage, now is a great time to get crafty.
Medical workers are being forced to use the same masks over and over again, risking infection from COVID-19 patients. So Michiganders have fired up their sewing machines, making homemade masks to donate to local hospitals.
The JOANN Fabric and Craft Stores website offers detailed instructions, patterns and other resources for DIY masks. Local groups like the West Michigan Quilters Guild and 4M: Mid-Michigan Mask Makers also provide tips if you’re interested in getting involved.
Before donating, make sure to check with your local hospital to see if it accepts homemade mask donations, as hospital policies have been rapidly changing. If your local hospital is not currently accepting homemade masks, consider other essential businesses in your community that may be able to use them.
Start a supply drive
If your crafting abilities are lacking but still want to get supplies to the front lines, consider starting a supply drive in your community.
Groups such as the University of Michigan Association of Chinese Professors and nationwide organizations, like the newly-formed Mask Crusaders, have already had success in this crowd-funding model.
Reach out to friends, neighbors and local businesses for medical or cleaning supplies that can be donated, including surgical or N95 masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. Many hospitals are accepting donations of items if they are new or unused.
Material donations can be directed to the Michigan Community Service Commission at COVID19donations@michigan.gov or 517-335-4295.
See more ideas at bridgemi.com.