McLaren Northern Michigan teaches teens the danger of distracted driving
Distracted driving killed an estimated 3,100 people nationwide in 2014, and McLaren Northern Michigan partnered with the Michigan State Police in 2017 on a Distracted Driving Campaign to stop teens from texting and driving.
This evidence-based education is a nationwide program that focuses on the dangers and consequences of reckless and distracted driving. McLaren Northern Michigan, and other McLaren hospitals across the state, provide curriculum, resources, and classes for a variety of audiences including teens, parents, educational leaders and healthcare providers.
The partnership brought a distracted driving simulator to community health fairs and schools throughout 2017 to give people the opportunity to safety experience the dangers of distracted driving. The trauma team also distributed phone bags that can be used to store and discourage phone use while driving.
The purpose of this program is to try to prevent injuries in the community McLaren Northern Michigan serves.
Serious risks from distracted driving
It is just as risky to drive drunk as it is to drive distracted, with drivers four times more likely to get into a crash while talking on the phone. Reaching for the phone, dialing it, and talking all take your attention away from driving.
Even hands-free phones are not that safe, as they cause drivers to miss things that can help avoid a crash, including stop signs, red lights and pedestrians.
McLaren Northern Michigan raises 9-1-1 awareness
In addition to the distracted driving program, McLaren Northern Michigan teamed up with northern Michigan Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to remind the community the importance of calling 9-1-1 and answer commonly asked questions about emergency services. The campaign included a brochure and community outreach to educate the community about the importance of calling 9-1-1 in an emergency.
For more information about McLaren Northern Michigan and its other programs, visit its website.