Sparrow Hospital: Be Well in the Kitchen Program
If kick-starting your journey to health and wellness by changing your eating habits is on your list of 2018 resolutions — Lansing-based Sparrow Health System wants to help.
Sparrow’s new Be Well in the Kitchen program promotes healthy lifestyles for the mid-Michigan region by educating the community about nutritional cooking habits. The program utilizes the Demonstration Kitchen in the Gathering Place at Sparrow with classes and programs to help everyone eat better and healthier.
Located at the Lansing campus and at ALiVE at Hayes Green Beach Memorial Hospital in Charlotte, the demonstration kitchens are used for cooking classes as part of existing nutrition programs at Sparrow and provide ideal locations for people of all ages to explore good eats and healthy lifestyles.
Funded by the Michigan Health Endowment Fund, the Be Well in the Kitchen program is designed to education and inspire youth, seniors and others on healthy cooking habits and improve the health of people in the community through education and hands-on experience.
Upcoming four-class series start in March at Sparrow Hospital and AL!VE and will focus on cooking for heart health, diabetes and more. The. For more information, visit Sparrow.org/Events.